Half-Wave Plate maps

New version with correct gains here.

I've made some quick-and-dirty maps of the first two half-wave plates that were installed. I did this by binning the tod in HWP angle, and then projecting it onto a coordinate system that co-rotates wiht the HWP. Because of missing/unreliable metdata, I performed a rough fit for gain and the HWP center of rotation. I also discarded sections of data where the HWP did not seem to be rotating at a reasonable rate, but aside from that I trusted the HWP angles in the dirfiles.

The maps below come in sets of 45-rotation-images per TOD. These can be cycled through using j/k. The color scale is arbitrary due to the gain renormalization I performed. The grid spacing is 0.1°

When looking at these maps, keep in mind that they have these problems:

  1. Maps are far from optimally weighted
  2. Relative gains between detectors are guesses
  3. Relative TOD mean levels matter, and are guesses
  4. The center of rotation is only approximate
  5. 90 GHz and 150 GHz detectors are mixed for pa3
  6. The overall intensity of each image says nothing about how strong the signal actually is, only how it is distributed.

So take these maps with a grain of salt.

The pattern is quite robust between subsets and TODs, aside from 1429616015.1429616634.ar1, where the HWP angle is displaced in several steps, as if the plate were slipping.

PA1 HWP 150 v1

PA1 HWP 150 v2